Guidelines of the institute regarding manifestations of inappropriate behavior and its consequences

Dear colleagues,

also with regard to recent events at Slovak and Czech universities and research institutions, the management of the institute issues guidelines regarding manifestations of inappropriate behavior and its consequences.

At the SAS Historical Institute, v. in. i. (HÚ SAS) the principle of equal opportunities applies. HÚ SAS treats all employees equally and without discrimination, regardless of their nationality, ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, political belief, language, sexual orientation, disability, social or economic origin or other differences.

HÚ SAS does not accept inappropriate behavior, sexual harassment, bullying, bossing, mobbing, personal humiliation and coercion, body shaming (critical and humiliating comments aimed at physical appearance), intimidation and ridicule, psychological and physical violence, as well as blackmail among its employees.

The management of HÚ SAS strongly condemns such behavior and assesses its manifestations on the basis of the provisions of the anti-discrimination law and the Labor Code.

HÚ SAS declares that every person has the right to expect professional behavior from others and is also responsible for his own behavior towards others. All employees of HÚ SAS have a personal responsibility for observing the following principles and principles:

  • treat others with dignity and respect,
  • not tolerate any form of bullying, sexual harassment or abuse of authority,
  • if they witness unacceptable behavior, draw attention to it by reporting or filing a formal report,
  • support any employee who feels they are the victim of unacceptable behavior, including referral to psychological support and filing a formal complaint.

If you witness or are a victim of inappropriate behavior, please use one of the following options to report the incident.

1. Statutory officer of the HÚ SAS (PhDr. Slavomír Michálek, DrSc.

2. Staff Council of HÚ SAV (chairman Mgr. Juraj Benko, PhD.; Mgr. Žofia Lysá, PhD.; Ing. Monika Zvalová

3. SAV Ethics Commission (Member of the Ethics Commission for HÚ SAV Katarína Haberlandová:

4. Office of the Slovak Academy of Sciences – Mgr. Lenka Ulašinová Bystrianská, PhD.

5. SAV Commission for Equal Opportunities (EQUAL) at the address:

Definition of bullying: Definition of sexual harassment:éj-rovnosti-uk/sexualne-obtazovanie/co-je-sexualne-obtazovanie/