Rules of admission of students

The Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is an external educational institution which provides doctoral degree program in both internal and external form based on framework agreements with the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava (FF UK) and the Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (FF UMB).

The same conditions and admission criteria apply to both the internal and external forms of doctoral studies.

As a part of the application for doctoral studies, the candidate must submit a project on a topic, which has been approved by the Scientific Council of the Institute of History SAS. The application must also meet all other requirements according to the applicable rules of the FF UK and FF UMB.

The dissertation project must be properly elaborated and must include the following sections: state of the art, scientific objectives (research questions and hypotheses), methodology, research plan, sources and literature.

The PhD student must have a sufficient level of proficiency in English to be able to complete part of the course in English, read literature, present a paper and discuss (level B2 and above).

In addition to English, the doctoral candidate must have a sufficient level of proficiency in other languages necessary for the successful mastery of the dissertation and doctoral training, and for the acquisition of a broader expert knowledge in the field to which the PhD project relates.

Interview procedure:

The PhD candidate presents his/her dissertation thesis project in Slovak (or another language as agreed) and English before the admissions committee.

The candidate answers questions from the members of the admissions committee in Slovak (or another language as agreed) and English.