National projects

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Duration:1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:2/0094/24
Project leader:Bystrický Peter, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Dvořáková Daniela, DrSc., PhDr. Hlavačková Miriam, PhD., Steinhübel Ján, DrSc.
Duration:1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:2/0054/24
Project leader:PhDr. Lengyelová Tünde, CSc.
SAS cosolvers:Duchoňová Diana, PhD.
Other cosolvers:Antal Eugen, Grošek Otokar, Zajac Pavol, Marák Pavol, Jókay Matúš - Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky STU
Environmental Context of the Development of the Chemical Industry in Slovakia 1948 - 1989
Duration:1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:2/0076/24
Project leader:PhDr. Hallon Ľudovít, DrSc.
SAS cosolvers:Ďurčo Michal, PhD., PhDr. Falisová Anna, CSc., Hudek Adam, PhD., PhDr. Roguľová Jaroslava, PhD., PhDr. Sabol Miroslav, PhD.
Other cosolvers:Milata Viktor, Uher Michal, Halinkovičová Michaela, Pavílek Branislav (Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie STU)
Duration:1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:0/0120/24
Project leader:PhDr. Hallon Ľudovít, DrSc.
SAS cosolvers:Ďurčo Michal, PhD., PhDr. Hallon Ľudovít, DrSc., PhDr. Sabol Miroslav, PhD.
Other cosolvers:Harvan Daniel, Hruboň Anton, Mičková Zuzana
Duration:1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:2/0106/24
Project leader:PhDr. Poláčková Zuzana, CSc.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Fiamová Martina, PhD., Hlavinka Ján, PhD., Kšiňan Michal, PhD., PhDr. Mešková Hradská Katarína, PhD., PhDr. Michálek Slavomír, DrSc., Sokolová Milena, PhD.
Duration:1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:2/0048/24
Project leader:PhDr. Schvarc Michal, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Drábik Jakub, PhD., PhDr. Fiamová Martina, PhD., Hlavinka Ján, PhD., Michela Miroslav, PhD., Posch Martin, PhD.
Duration:1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:2/0049/24
Project leader:Hanula Matej, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Benko Juraj, PhD., Drábik Jakub, PhD., Mgr. Luzhanytsia Anastasiia, PhDr. Mešková Hradská Katarína, PhD., Mgr. Mlyneková Barbora, Osyková Linda, PhD.
Duration:1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:2/0086/24
Project leader:Zavarský Svorad, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Duchoňová Diana, PhD., Fundárková Anna, M.A., PhD., PhDr. Chylák Ivan, Janura Tomáš, PhD., Mgr. Koncz Erik, PhDr. Lengyelová Tünde, CSc., Szalma Štefan, PhD., Mgr. Szeghyová Blanka, PhD., Šály Ondrej, PhD.
Duration:1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:2/0087/24
Project leader:Fundárková Anna, M.A., PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Szalma Štefan, PhD., Mgr. Szeghyová Blanka, PhD.
Other cosolvers:Vyskupová Martina, Halászová Ingrid - Filozofická fakulta TVU
History of historiography and thinking of History in Slovakia
Duration:1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027
Evidence number:APVV–22–0205
Project leader:PhDr. Kováč Dušan, DrSc.
SAS cosolvers:Benko Juraj, PhD., Bystrický Peter, PhD., Dudeková Kováčová Gabriela, PhD., Hanula Matej, PhD., Hudáček Pavol, PhD., PhDr. Jaksicsová Vlasta, PhD., Mgr. Luzhanytsia Anastasiia, Micháleková Jana Magdaléna, PhD., Michela Miroslav, PhD., Zavarský Svorad, PhD.
Other cosolvers:Danková Sabina (PhD študent), Kožiak Rastislav, Kurhajcová Alica, Nagy Imrich, Škvarna Dušan, Šuch Juraj
At the castle and underneath
Duration:1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027
Evidence number:APVV-22-0319
Project leader:Duchoňová Diana, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Janura Tomáš, PhD.
The phenomenon of space in the early modern urban environment. Symbolism - representation - relationships - fusions
Duration:1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:
Project leader:PhDr. Bada Michal, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Čičaj Viliam, CSc., Duchoňová Diana, PhD., PhDr. Chylák Ivan, Mgr. Szeghyová Blanka, PhD.
History updated. Centre of curricular support of the university teaching of history
Duration:1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:
Program:Iné projekty
Project leader:Zavacká Marína, M.A., PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Benko Juraj, PhD., Buzássyová Barbora, PhD., Mgr. Pauková Veronika, Šústová Drelová Agáta, MLitt., PhD., Mgr. Trnovec Silvester, PhD., Vörös Ladislav, PhD.
Political mobilisation, politicisation and political indifference of the Slovak population, 1848 - 1938
Duration:1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:2/0020/23
Project leader:Vörös Ladislav, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Benko Juraj, PhD., Hanula Matej, PhD., Krajčír Lukáš, PhD., Macho Peter, PhD., Doc. Šoltés Peter, PhD.
Legal norm versus case law. Historical, legal, discursive and social aspects of the judiciary, crime and punishment in the Middle Ages and early modern period
Duration:1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:2/0017/23
Project leader:Mgr. Szeghyová Blanka, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Bada Michal, PhD., PhDr. Čičaj Viliam, CSc., Fundárková Anna, M.A., PhD., Herucová Angelika, PhD., PhDr. Kowalská Eva, DrSc., PhDr. Lengyelová Tünde, CSc., Szalma Štefan, PhD., PhDr. Štefánik Martin, PhD.
The transfer of ideas and cross-border migration in a divided world: actors and structures. Society in Czechoslovakia in the period of State Socialism
Duration:1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:2/0014/23
Project leader:Mgr. Segeš Dušan, M.A., PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Buzássyová Barbora, PhD., Mgr. Čížová Júlia, Hudek Petra, PhD., PhDr. Jaksicsová Vlasta, PhD., PhDr. Michálek Slavomír, DrSc., Šústová Drelová Agáta, MLitt., PhD., Zavacká Marína, M.A., PhD.
The glamour and fall of nobility. Strategies of noble representation in the History of Slovakia
Duration:1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2026
Evidence number:APVV-21-0371
Project leader:Duchoňová Diana, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Bada Michal, PhD., PhDr. Čičaj Viliam, CSc., PhDr. Dvořáková Daniela, DrSc., Fundárková Anna, M.A., PhD., Gaučík Štefan, PhD., PhDr. Hallon Ľudovít, DrSc., Hanula Matej, PhD., PhDr. Hlavačková Miriam, PhD., prof. PhDr. Holec Roman, DrSc., Homoľa Tomáš, PhD., Janura Tomáš, PhD., PhDr. Kodajová Daniela, PhD., Doc. Kollárová Ivona, PhD., Mgr. Koncz Erik, PhDr. Kowalská Eva, DrSc., Kušniráková Ingrid, PhD., PhDr. Lengyelová Tünde, CSc., Lysá Žofia, PhD., Szalma Štefan, PhD., Zajac Oliver, PhD., Zavarský Svorad, PhD.
Duration:1. 9. 2022 - 30. 6. 2026
Evidence number:09I03-03-V01
Program:Plán obnovy EÚ
Project leader:Mgr. Luzhanytsia Anastasiia
Duration:1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:
Project leader:PhDr. Štefánik Martin, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Dvořáková Daniela, DrSc., PhDr. Hlavačková Miriam, PhD., Hudáček Pavol, PhD.
The Theatre as the Venue and Tool of Social Change
Duration:1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0024/22
Project leader:Laslavíková Jana, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Janura Tomáš, PhD., Doc. Kollárová Ivona, PhD., Mgr. Luková Jana, Zajac Oliver, PhD.
Political, Social and Economic Aspects of Repatriations in Central Europe in the 1940s
Duration:1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0052/22
Project leader:PhDr. Fiamová Martina, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Kšiňan Michal, PhD., Mgr. Segeš Dušan, M.A., PhD., PhDr. Schvarc Michal, PhD., Mgr. Valent Jaroslav
Annotation:The project focuses on little-known repatriation, re-emigration and relocation actions implemented by state power structures in the 1940s. The emphasis is on processes in the Slovak Republic and Czechoslovakia, but the project also pays attention to comparisons with similar processes in Central Europe. It focuses mainly on the repatriation of Slovaks from France, Belgium and occupied Poland and the so-called asocials of German nationality from Slovakia to Germany during the Second World War, the issue of Displaced Persons in the post-war period, refugees from the Czechoslovak Republic after February 1948 and a comparison with similar events in Poland. The main task of the project is the analysis of the personnel and institutional aspect of the researched processes, the analysis of their motives, course and impacts in the economic, political, social and cultural field.
Positives and negatives. The Turkish world in the area of Central Europe in the early modern period
Duration:1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:
Project leader:PhDr. Čičaj Viliam, CSc.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Bada Michal, PhD., Duchoňová Diana, PhD., PhDr. Chylák Ivan, Mgr. Koncz Erik, Šály Ondrej, PhD.
Slovak historiography among positivism, Marxism and postmodernism. Chapters on the development of Slovak historiography in the 19th and the 20th centuries
Duration:1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:
Project leader:PhDr. Kováč Dušan, DrSc.
SAS cosolvers:Benko Juraj, PhD., Dudeková Kováčová Gabriela, PhD., Gaučík Štefan, PhD., Hanula Matej, PhD.
Medieval society in the Kingdom of Hungary (structure, coexistence and confrontation of social groups until the end of the 13th century)
Duration:1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0028/22
Project leader:Hudáček Pavol, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Druga Marek, PhD., Lysá Žofia, PhD., Steinhübel Ján, DrSc., doc. Zupka Dušan, PhD.
Foreign policy determinants of the development of Slovak society in the 1960s and 1970s. Formulation of foreign policy priorities and interests of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and limits of their enforcement on the international political scene)
Duration:1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:
Project leader:PhDr. Poláčková Zuzana, CSc.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Londák Miroslav, DrSc., PhDr. Londáková Elena, CSc., Mgr. Segeš Dušan, M.A., PhD.
POLSOC - Political socialization in the territory of Slovakia during the years 1848 - 1993
Duration:1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-20-0526
Project leader:Doc. Šoltés Peter, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Benko Juraj, PhD., Mgr. Čížová Júlia, Demmel József, PhD., Dudeková Kováčová Gabriela, PhD., Gaučík Štefan, PhD., PhDr. Haberlandová Katarína, PhD., Hanula Matej, PhD., Hertel Maroš, PhD., prof. PhDr. Holec Roman, DrSc., Hudek Adam, PhD., Hudek Petra, PhD., PhDr. Kováč Dušan, DrSc., Ing. arch. Krišteková Laura, PhD., Laslavíková Jana, PhD., Mgr. Luková Jana, Macho Peter, PhD., PhDr. Mannová Elena, CSc., Michela Miroslav, PhD., Mgr. Mlyneková Barbora, prof. Dr. Ing. arch. Moravčíková Henrieta, Osyková Linda, PhD., Mgr. Smetanová Gabriela, Szalay Peter, PhD., Šústová Drelová Agáta, MLitt., PhD., Vörös Ladislav, PhD., Zavacká Marína, M.A., PhD.
Crossing the frontiers. The Phenomenon of Mobility in the History of Slovakia
Duration:1. 8. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-20-0333
Project leader:Mgr. Segeš Dušan, M.A., PhD.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Čičaj Viliam, CSc., Drábik Jakub, PhD., Duchoňová Diana, PhD., Ďurčo Michal, PhD., PhDr. Fiamová Martina, PhD., PhDr. Haberlandová Katarína, PhD., PhDr. Hallon Ľudovít, DrSc., Hanula Matej, PhD., Homoľa Tomáš, PhD., Hudek Adam, PhD., Janura Tomáš, PhD., PhDr. Kodajová Daniela, PhD., Krajčír Lukáš, PhD., Ing. arch. Krišteková Laura, PhD., PhDr. Lengyelová Tünde, CSc., prof. Dr. Ing. arch. Moravčíková Henrieta, PhDr. Poláčková Zuzana, CSc., Posch Martin, PhD., PhDr. Sabol Miroslav, PhD., Mgr. Segeš Dušan, M.A., PhD., PhDr. Schvarc Michal, PhD., Szalay Peter, PhD., Šály Ondrej, PhD., Šústová Drelová Agáta, MLitt., PhD., doc. Zupka Dušan, PhD.
Tourism in Slovakia between 1939 and 1945. (Rest in the shadow of war)
Duration:1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0065/22
Project leader:PhDr. Sabol Miroslav, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Ďurčo Michal, PhD., PhDr. Hallon Ľudovít, DrSc., PhDr. Roguľová Jaroslava, PhD.
The main development trends of healthcare in Slovakia from the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic to 1968
Duration:1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0122/21
Project leader:PhDr. Falisová Anna, CSc.
SAS cosolvers:RNDr. Morovics Miroslav Tibor, CSc.
Other cosolvers:Doc. PhDr. Eva Morovicsová, PhD., MPH, Doc. MUDr. Vojtech Ozorovský, CSc., Mgr. et Mgr. Silvia Capíková, PhD.,
Duration:1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:1/0286/21
Project leader:Szalay Peter, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Ing. arch. Bočková Monika, PhDr. Haberlandová Katarína, PhD., Ing. arch. Krišteková Laura, PhD., Szalay Peter, PhD.
From Charity to the State Social Policy: Ideas, Models and Practice in the period of State Interventionism in Slovakia during the 19th and the first half of 20th Centuries
Duration:1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0114/21
Project leader:Dudeková Kováčová Gabriela, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Benko Juraj, PhD., PhDr. Falisová Anna, CSc., PhDr. Haberlandová Katarína, PhD., prof. PhDr. Holec Roman, DrSc., PhDr. Kováč Dušan, DrSc., Ing. arch. Krišteková Laura, PhD., Laslavíková Jana, PhD., PhDr. Mannová Elena, CSc., Micháleková Jana Magdaléna, PhD., prof. Dr. Ing. arch. Moravčíková Henrieta, Osyková Linda, PhD., Szalay Peter, PhD.
Monuments and celebrations as a medium of identification processes on the territory of today\'s Slovakia in the 19th and 20th centuries
Duration:1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:
Project leader:Macho Peter, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Kodajová Daniela, PhD., PhDr. Mannová Elena, CSc.
Slovania in 1960s and during the era of normalisation. Domestic development and their foreign policy context
Duration:1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0087/21
Project leader:PhDr. Londák Miroslav, DrSc.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Jaksicsová Vlasta, PhD., PhDr. Londáková Elena, CSc., PhDr. Poláčková Zuzana, CSc., Mgr. Segeš Dušan, M.A., PhD., Sokolová Milena, PhD.
Studies on the regimen of a medieval man. Alcoholic beverages as a cultural-historical phenomenon
Duration:1. 1. 2020 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0089/20
Project leader:PhDr. Dvořáková Daniela, DrSc.
SAS cosolvers:Bystrický Peter, PhD., Duchoňová Diana, PhD., Herucová Angelika, PhD., PhDr. Hlavačková Miriam, PhD., Homoľa Tomáš, PhD., Lysá Žofia, PhD., PhDr. Štefánik Martin, PhD.
Typographic medium and censorship as a subsystem of social control II. – transformations of the communication space in the period 1800-1825
Duration:1. 2. 2022 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:
Project leader:Doc. Kollárová Ivona, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Kowalská Eva, DrSc., Kušniráková Ingrid, PhD., Doc. Šoltés Peter, PhD.
The role of bourgeoisie in the modernization processes in transition from the estates to civil society (Hungary Kingdom and Slovakia 1780 – 1918)
Duration:1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0069/21
Project leader:Gaučík Štefan, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Demmel József, PhD., PhDr. Kodajová Daniela, PhD., Kušniráková Ingrid, PhD., Laslavíková Jana, PhD., Macho Peter, PhD., Doc. Šoltés Peter, PhD.
The influence of the individual and the community on the appearance of the city in Slovakia in the years 1918 - 1945. Political involvement of city residents and socially beneficial opportunities in the city
Duration:1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:
Project leader:Osyková Linda, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Arpáš Róbert, PhD., Benko Juraj, PhD., Hanula Matej, PhD.
Influence of Political Parties on School System and Further Education, thier Activities and Strategies towars Education of Population from 1918 till 1945, Personalities
Duration:1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0089/21
Project leader:PhDr. Kázmerová Ľubica, CSc.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Arpáš Róbert, PhD., Hanula Matej, PhD., PhDr. Mešková Hradská Katarína, PhD., Mgr. Mlyneková Barbora, Posch Martin, PhD.


Ars moriendi. Phenomenon of Death in the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary
Duration:1. 7. 2020 - 30. 6. 2024
Evidence number:APVV-19-0131
Project leader:PhDr. Hlavačková Miriam, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Bystrický Peter, PhD., Druga Marek, PhD., PhDr. Dvořáková Daniela, DrSc., Herucová Angelika, PhD., Homoľa Tomáš, PhD., Hudáček Pavol, PhD., Prof. PhDr. Lukačka Ján, CSc., Lysá Žofia, PhD., Mgr. Szeghyová Blanka, PhD., PhDr. Štefánik Martin, PhD., doc. Zupka Dušan, PhD.
CHRONUM - Chronologia historiarum bibliothecarum ab initio usque ad annum 2020
Duration:1. 7. 2020 - 30. 6. 2024
Evidence number:APVV-19-0524
Project leader:PhDr. Kowalská Eva, DrSc.
SAS cosolvers:PhDr. Čičaj Viliam, CSc., Mgr. Sliacky Michal
Other cosolvers:Žilinská univerzita v Žiline - Fakulta humanitných vied: Chalupeková, Vladimír Filip, Marián Grupač, Jarmila Majerová, Rastislav Metruk, Jaroslav Nemeš, Slávka Pitoňáková
Political activism, political consciousness and politicisation of the rural population in the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries
Duration:1. 6. 2021 - 31. 5. 2024
Evidence number:
Project leader:Vörös Ladislav, PhD.
SAS cosolvers:Demmel József, PhD., Gaučík Štefan, PhD., Laslavíková Jana, PhD., Doc. Šoltés Peter, PhD.