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Department of Medieval History |
The department carries
out basic research of national history form the ancient times till the beginning
of the 16th century. It systematically prepares editions of historical and
narrative sources for publication. Works on monographs and scholarly articles
form the ancient history. The Department gives special attention to the
development of settlement in Slovakia, the ethno-genesis of Slovaks, social
stratification, the role of church and towns.
The Head of the Department:
PhDr. Daniela Dvořáková, DrSc. |
Fields of scientific interest: Later
middle age history of Hungarian Kingdom (with the main focus on 15th
century), mostly the aristocracy, also the court culture, communication,
woman in medieval society, daily life during Middle Ages, zoohistory.
Editing Middle Age sources |
daniela.dvorakova@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 19 |
Žofia Lysá, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest: Urban
history of 13th and 4th century, social structure of medieval
Bratislava, urban law |
zofia.lysa@savba.sk |
Phone: +421 02 5292 5753 line 19 |
Doc. Dušan Zupka, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest: -
Central Europe in the Middle Ages, sovereign power and ruling strategies,
rituals and symbolic communication, war and religion in the Middle Ages |
tomas.homola@savba.sk |
Phone: +421 02 5292 5753 line
19 |
Marek Druga,
PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest: The
foundation and donation process in the Benedictine monasteries of
medieval Hungary (11th - 13th centuries) |
marek.druga@savba.sk |
Phone: +421 02 5292 5753 line
19 |
Our other websites and websites of our partners to your attention:
Historický časopis |
História |
Forum Historiae |
Historické štúdie |
Slovanské štúdie |
Slovenská historická spoločnosť pri SAV | SNKH |
Dejiny.sk |
Architektúra & Urbanizmus |
REGISTER modernej architektúry Slovenska |
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