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Department of the History of the 20th Century |
The department carries out
basic research of Slovak and partially also world history from 1918 till 1945.
It deals with the problems from political, economic, social and cultural history.
The outputs are presented in the form of monographs, scholarly articles and
collective publications.
The Head of the Department:
PhDr. Michal Schvarc, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
German minority in Slovakia 1918 – 1945, Slovak-German relations 1938 –
1945, Nazi »Volkstumspolitik« in Central and South-eastern Europe |
michal.schvarc@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 22 |
Matej Hanula, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
Slovak history in the 1st half of the 20th century with the accent on
the history of agrarian political movement in Slovakia and football as a
social phenomenon during the period of the 1st Czechoslovak Republic |
matej.hanula@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 22 |
PhDr. Ľubica Kázmerová, CSc. |
Fields of scientific interest:
political system of interwar Czechoslovakia and Slovak Republic (1939 –
1945) in connection with their cultural policies, institutionalization
of culture and education, school system, enlightenment and educational
strategies of both states in Central European context |
lubica.kazmerova@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 22 |
Miroslav Michela, PhD.
Fields of scientific interest:
History of Central Europe in the 20th Century, foreign policy,
propaganda, nationalism, popular culture, commemorations
+421 02 5292 5753 line 22
Juraj Benko, PhD.
Fields of scientific interest:
History of Socialist and Communist movement; Social radicalism, shaping
identities in interwar period |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 22
PhDr. Martina Fiamová, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
History of Slovakia from 1938 till 1945, fate of Jewish community in
Slovakia, aryanization of agricultural property, evacuation of
population in 1944 – 1945. |
martina.fiamova@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 22 |
Maroš Hertel, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
Czecho-Slovak relationships in the context of Czechoslovak relations
with Poland and Hungary during the interwar period with the focus on the
activities of political elites. Another academic topic is irredentism in
general and the influence of propaganda and media on society in given
time period |
maros.hertel@savba.sk |
Phone: +421 02 5292 5753 line 15 |
Linda Osyková, PhD.
Fields of scientific interest:
Political, social and cultural history of Slovakia during the interwar
period in Czechoslovakia, election campaigns of political parties,
political socialization of citizens, symbolic and art side of politics,
construction of social infrastructure (building of flats, schools and
health facilities) in Slovakia from 1918 till 1945 |
linda.osykova@savba.sk |
Phone: +421 02 5292 5753 line 22 |
Ján Hlavinka, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
History of holocaust in Slovakia in the European context (with the focus
on aryanization), historiography of holocaust, activities of security
forces in Slovakia from 1939 till 1945 |
jan.hlavinka@savba.sk |
Phone: +421 02 5292 5753 line 24 |
Mgr. Martin Posch |
Fields of scientific interest:
Slovaks in the Western Resistance
during World War II - paratroopers landed in the Protectorate of Bohemia
and Moravia and the Slovak State |
martin.posch@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 22 |
Jakub Drábik, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
history of fascism in a comparative perspective, selected issues from
the Czechoslovak history of the 20th century and the history of
international relations |
jakub.drabik@savba.sk |
Phone: +421 02 5292 5753 line 23 |
Lukáš Krajčír, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
Slovak history in the first half of the 20th century. He specializes in
Protestant context of inter-war Czechoslovakia |
lukas.krajcir@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 kl. 22 |
Doctoral students:
Mgr. Simona Kováčová |
The Function and Use of Antisemitism in Repressive Political Regimes:
The Slovak State (1939 – 1945) and Czechoslovak State Socialism (1948 –
1953) |
simona.kovacova@savba.sk |
Tel.: +421 02 5292 5753 kl. 22 |
Mgr. Marek Machýl |
Theme: The Image of Morality and the
Minority Question from the Perspective of Extremist Movements in
Slovakia in the 1990s |
marek.machyl@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 kl. 22 |
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Historický časopis |
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Slovenská historická spoločnosť pri SAV | SNKH |
Dejiny.sk |
Architektúra & Urbanizmus |
REGISTER modernej architektúry Slovenska |
Institute of History of SAS offers information in accordance with the law n. 211/2000 of the Slovak statute-book