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Department of the History of the 19th Century |
The department carries out
basic research of Slovak and partially also world history from the end of the
18th century till 1918 in Central European context with main focus on political,
cultural, economic and social history. The outputs are presented in the form of
monographs, scholarly articles and collective publications.
The Head of the Department:
PhDr. Eva Kowalská, DrSc. |
Fields of scientific interest:
History of Early Modern Age – ecclesiastical history (relations between
confessions), school system and culture |
eva.kowalska@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line
21 |
Gabriela Dudeková Kováčová, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
Social History of Slovakia in the Context of Habsburg monarchy and
Czechoslovak Republic in the age of Modernisation (ca. 1790 to the half
of 20th century); particularly Gender History, Social Care and Social
Policy, Everyday life during the World War I. |
gabriela.dudekova@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line
21 |
Prof., PhDr. Roman Holec, DrSc. |
Fields of scientific interest:
Slovak and East Central European history of the 19th and 20th century
with the focus on economic and social history, history of aristocracy
and environmental history |
roman.holec@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line
21 |
Peter Macho, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
Research of collective memory and identities on local, confessional and
national level (myths and symbols), phenomenon of national hero (M. R.
Štefánik and others) |
peter.macho@savba.sk |
Phone: +421 02 5292 5753 line
21 |
Doc. Peter Šoltés, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest: Social
and cultural history of Hungarian kingdom/Slovakia in the 19th century,
historical research of corruption, ethnic and confessional stereotypes
during the national movements period, migration on the territory of the
Carpathian Basin in the 18th and 19th century, literature on local lore
and statistics form the 19th century |
peter.soltes@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line
21 |
Ladislav Vörös, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest: theory
of history, methodology, methodological nationalism in historiography,
history of nationalism in East-Central European region in the second
half of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, history of
corruption in East-Central European region in the second half of the
19th and first half of the 20th centuries |
ladislav.voros@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line
21 |
József Demmel, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest: 19th
century history, Slovak earthliness, multiple identity, lowland Slovaks
and everyday history Slovak-Hungarian relations |
jozsef.demmel@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line
21 |
Oliver Zajac, PhD. |
Fields of scientific interest:
Confrontation of the Habsburg Monarchy with the phenomenon of Polish or
Serbian exile in the first half of the 19th century |
oliver.zajac@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 21 |
Doctoral students:
Mgr. Jana
Luková |
Theme: The phenomenon of aristocratic
collecting in the first half of the 19th century. Cultural-historical
analysis of the beginnings of museum activities in Hungary |
jana.lukova@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 21 |
Mgr. Dorota Tóthová |
Theme: The image of women at the turn
of the 19th and 20th century in Hungary. The mutual conceptual dynamics
of feminist and patriarchal discourses |
dorota.tothova@savba.sk |
+421 02 5292 5753 line 21 |
Our other websites and websites of our partners to your attention:
Historický časopis |
História |
Forum Historiae |
Historické štúdie |
Slovanské štúdie |
Slovenská historická spoločnosť pri SAV | SNKH |
Dejiny.sk |
Architektúra & Urbanizmus |
REGISTER modernej architektúry Slovenska |
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