09I01-03-V05 – Preklenovacie ERC granty – Ing. Mgr. Andrej Svorenčík, M.S., PhD
Všeobecné identifikačné údaje
Komponent: Komponent 9 – Efektívnejšie riadenie a posilnenie financovania výskumu, vývoja a inovácií Plánu obnovy a odolnosti Slovenskej republiky
Reforma/investícia: 1. Podpora medzinárodnej spolupráce a zapájania sa do projektov Horizont Európa a Európsky inovačný a technologický inštitút
Názov projektu: Becoming Economics: Formation and Role of Academic Networks in the Transformations of Economics in the 20th Century
Akronym projektu: BeEcon
Názov prijímateľa: Historický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Adresa prijímateľa: Klemensova 2522/19, 814 99 Bratislava
Trvanie projektu: 10/2024 – 03/2026
Anotácia projektu: How does a new method advocated by a small group of early adopters become mainstream and practiced by thousands of researchers in and outside academia? BeEcon’s central hypothesis posits that such macrodynamic transformations are not merely intellectual shifts but are deeply rooted in the structural outcomes of academic networks, with intergenerational advisor-advisee networks playing a particularly vital role. Economics is chosen as a compelling testing ground because new methods like mathematical modeling, econometrics, and experiments thoroughly transformed it in the 20th century. Furthermore, economics‘ unique disciplinary structure challenges this hypothesis in unexpected ways: As it was rapidly growing in size, economics lost its pluralistic and polycentric character, becoming more uniform, US-centric, and hierarchical than any other social science while capturing an outsized influence on public policy and persistent underrepresentation of women. BeEcon’s main objective is to develop a prosopographic and network-based framework to account for the transformations and current structure of economics by integrating elite and the more numerous non-elite economists in and outside academia. Thereby, it challenges the conventional view of the history of economics as a succession of great minds and seminal ideas. An ambitious, multifaceted methodology is employed, intertwining biographical analysis with complex relational mappings collated from various sources. This entails the construction of a large-scale multilayered database of economists covering key centers of economics and a 150-year period, utilizing cliometric tools and network analysis to examine these relationships in depth. As a result, any historical change in economics and its dynamics could be investigated through the formation and operation of related academic networks. Moreover, the framework could be exported as a conceptual foundation for understanding similar shifts in various academic fields.
Kód projektu: 09I01-03-V05-00011